West Coast Rumble

The West Coast Rumble Truck War is Saturday at Famoso Raceway, 33559 Famoso Road.




Asparagus Cup

The 4th Annual Asparagus Cup NARC and Sprint Car Challenge Tour Race is Saturday at 4pm at the Stockton Dirt Track, 1658 S. Airport Way.

NorCal Car Show Swap Meets & Races – August 28 – September 4,








This past Saturday we were able to go to Reno and be a part of the Hot August Nights Event Series Grand Finale. It was a fantastic show with some very nice cars. There were around 60 cars from all the Qualifying Events plus a Show n Shine with about 200 cars. Deny Dotson, the new Executive Director of Hot August Nights, has done a great job with this new Event Series and I’m sure it will get bigger and better every year.

The Grand Champion Award with the $5,000 prize and the featured car for the 2024 Hot August Nights went to Greg Bonney from Spanish Springs, NV and his absolutely beautiful 1956 Chevy Nomad. Greg actually qualified by winning the Townsmen Car Show in Loomis back in May.

Of course, I was rooting for our Northern California cars and they all did very well. Kenny and Kelly Loeffler qualified at the Freedom First Car Show in Citrus Heights. Their 1967 Camaro was First Runner-Up in the Stock Classic category.

Craig Coulter from Fair Oaks was the Qualifier from the Justified Performance Car Show in Rocklin. Craig’s gorgeous 1959 Chevy Impala was the 2nd Runner-Up in the People’s Choice category. The top three were all nice but I definitely would have voted for Craig’s car!

There were several other Northern California cars there and they all looked great. Here is Barry Edmiston’s super clean 1957 Olds Super 88. He was the winner at our Hot Rod Bookstore Cruise-In.

Charles and Janis Webster were there with their 2006 Shelby GT. Charles is the new president of the Townsmen Car Club and he also won a large toolbox from Summit Racing.

Dave Hawkins from South Lake Tahoe was there with his 1994 Chevy S-10 Pickup. It is one fast little truck with a LS3 engine.

Sieg Volti from Markleeville, CA and his flamed 62 Chevy Nova was there as well! He was the winner of the Day in Paradise Car Show in Lake Tahoe.

I want to say thanks to all of you that joined our American Car Culture Association or subscribed to our newsletter this past week. We literally couldn’t produce these newsletters or maintain the website without your help!

As always, I do want to stress that our NorCal Car Culture website and newsletter are both totally free, but, if you are in a position to do so, we very much appreciate your support! Our 2023 NorCal Car Culture Subscription price is $30 a year, which works out to only $2.50 a month.

Join the American Car Culture Association Here

Or Pay for your Yearly Subscription to NorCal Car Culture Here


Please check out our NorCalCarCulture.com website or our Facebook Page for any late additions to the calendar. (As most of you know, I almost always miss at least one or two events)

We also included events on Monday, September 4th which is Labor Day.

This week’s Car Events:

August 31 – Placerville: The Hangtown Evening Car Show is Thursday from 6pm to 8pm on Main Street in Historic Downtown Placerville.

September 1 – Fresno: Hot Rod Coalition’s Rods On The Bluff 2023 is Friday from 5pm to 9pm at Park Place Center, at Palm & Nees Avenue.

September 1-4 – Lake Tahoe: The Heavenly Village Days on Labor Day is Friday to Monday at the Heavenly Village Gondola at Highway 50.

September 1-3 – Pleasanton: The Nor-Cal Novas 9th Annual Family Reunion Car Show is Friday to Sunday at the Four Points by Sheraton Pleasanton, 5115 Hopyard Road.

September 1 – Sacramento: The Mean Machines Cruise In Car Show is the first Friday of the month from 4pm to 8pm at Stardust Vintage Emporium, 9580 Micron Avenue.

September 2 – Alviso: The 17th Annual Santos Family Car Show is Saturday from 7am to 3pm at Tony Caters, 5202 North First Street.

September 2 – Fresno: The Home Depot Classic Car Show is Saturday from 9am to 1pm at the Home Depot, 3272 West Shaw Avenue.

September 2 – Leggett: The Mountain Folk Festival – Cruise to the Redwoods is Saturday at 10am at the Chandelier Tree, 67402 Drive Thru Tree Road.

September 2 – Middletown: The 7th Annual Twin Pines Lucky 7 Car Show is Saturday from 9am to 3pm at the Twin Pine Casino, 22223 Highway 29.

September 2 – Pine Mountain Club: The 2023 Run to the Pines Auto Show is Saturday at 9am at Pine Mountain Village Center on Pine Valley Lane.

September 2 – Pittsburg: The CarMel’s Custom Car Show – The Battle of the Bay is Saturday at 10am at Winter Chevrolet, 3750 Century Court.

September 2 – Roseville: The Cool September Morning Classic Car Show is Saturday from 9am to 2pm at Denio’s Farmers Market, 1551 Vineyard Road.

September 2 – San Mateo: The Rotary Classic and Custom Car Show is Saturday from 9am to 3pm at the College of San Mateo, 1700 W. Hillsdale Boulevard.

September 2 – Sheridan: The Sheridan Car Meet is the first Saturday of the month from 7am to 11am at the Perky Peacock Cafe, 5710 Sheridan Lincoln Blvd.

September 2 – Turlock: The Hot Rod Diner Car Show is the first Saturday from 5pm to 8pm at the Hot Rod Diner, 130 South Walnut Road.

September 2 – Ventura: The 20th Annual Ventura Nationals is Saturday from 10am to 5pm at the Ventura Fairgrounds, 10 West Harbor Boulevard.

September 2 – Visalia: The Remembrance Car Show is Saturday from 7am to 1pm at the Visalia Nazarene Church, 3333 W. Caldwell Avenue.

September 2 – Woodland: The 2nd Annual Nor-Cal Toyotafest Truck and Car Show is Saturday from 8am to 3:30pm at Yolo County Fairgrounds, 1250 E. Gum Avenue.

September 3 – Fair Oaks: The Fair Oaks Village Car Show is the first Sunday from 8am to 10:30am in the Fair Oaks Village, 10219 Fair Oaks Blvd.

September 3 – Wheatland: The 4th Annual California Taco Festival Car Show is Sunday from 11am to 11pm at the Hard Rock Casino, 3317 Forty Mile Road.

September 3 – Woodland: The 5th Annual C/10 Intervention is Sunday from 8am to 3pm on Main Street in Downtown Woodland.

September 4 – Citrus Heights: The 7th Annual Louie Luau Car Show is Monday from 9am to 2pm at El Tapatio Restaurant, 5637 Sunrise Boulevard.


August 30 – Sacramento: The Wednesday Night Street Legal Fun Drags are every Wednesday from 4pm to 9m at the Sacramento Raceway, 5305 Excelsior Road.

September 1-3 – Redding: Redding Bracket Racing is Friday, Saturday and Sunday at Redding Motorsports Park, 6750 Old Oregon Trail.

September 2 – Eureka: The Redwood Outlaw Karts Race #7 is Saturday at 4pm at Redwood Acres Raceway, 3750 Harris Street.

September 2-3 – Placerville: The NorCal Posse Shootout Racing is Saturday and Sunday at 3pm at Placerville Speedway, 100 Placerville Drive.

September 2-3 – Sacramento: The Bugorama #90 Drag Races and Car Show are Saturday and Sunday at Sacramento Raceway, 5305 Excelsior Road.

September 2 – Stockton: The Delta Speedway Micro Sprint Car Points Race is Saturday at 1pm at Delta Speedway, 1658 S. Airport Way in Stockton.

September 2 – Stockton: The Stockton 99 Weekly Racing Series including the SRL Southwest Tour Series is Saturday at 5pm at Stockton 99 Speedway, 4105 N. Wilson Way.

September 3 – McArthur: The Burney Lion’s Destruction Derby is Sunday at the 2023 Inter-Mountain Fair, 44218 A Street. Gates Open at 6pm.

September 3-4 – Oroville: The Outlaw Kart Showcase is Sunday and Monday at 12:00pm at Cycleland Speedway, 47 Nelson Road.

September 3 – Stockton: The Delta Speedway Micro Sprint Car Points Race is Sunday at 1pm at Delta Speedway, 1658 S. Airport Way in Stockton.

Motorcycle Events:

September 1 – Olivehurst: The Americans Motorcycle Club’s First Fridays Bike Night is Friday from 6pm to 9pm at Moonshiners, 5861 Feather River Boulevard.

September 2 – Auburn: The AMA Extreme Sidecars National Championship is Saturday at 6:30pm at Fast Fridays Speedway, 1273 High Street.

To see a complete list of upcoming events including Cars and Coffees and Cruise-Ins and to see the latest additions, please visit NorCalCarCulture.com. There is a drop down box under the Upcoming Events tab and you can choose the month you want to see. You can also check out our NorCal Car Culture Facebook Page.

Here is my friend and sponsor, Dave Oyler from Oyler Insurance. Please call him at 916-635-0444 for any insurance needs you may have. Photo courtesy of the talented, Larry Martinelli.


We will be very busy the next few weeks going to Car Shows all over Northern California. If any of you would like to join us, it would be great to meet you in person. Here is where we will be:

On Saturday, September 2nd, we will be at the Santos Family Car Show in Alviso.

On Sunday, September 3rd, we will be at the C/10 Intervention in Woodland with my friend Art Wong, from Maita Motorsports. We will be set up in front of the Bank at 283 Main Street.

Monday, September 4th is Labor Day and we will be at the Louie Luau Car Show in Citrus Heights to present the award to one of the first 2024 Hot August Nights Event Series Qualifiers.

Friday, September 8th we will be up at the last Auburn Cruise Nite of the year. We will probably be hanging out with the guys from Justified Performance.

On Saturday, September 9th, we will be in Fairfield at the big Ball Metal School Supply Drive Car and Motorcycle Show. This is also a Hot August Nights Event Series Qualifying Event.

Then on Saturday, September 16th, we will travel to Placerville for another Hot August Nights Event Series Qualifying Event, the Automotive Excellence Annual Car Show.

After attending the Grand Finale, I am more excited than ever to be working with Hot August Nights on their new Event Series.

As I have said many times, I think it is a fantastic deal for all Car Show Promoters to be part of a cool program and get a lot of extra publicity for their shows for only a $20 investment. We now begin a new Event Series to compete in 2024!

Car Show participants can sign up for $10 and receive a decal that makes them eligible to enter as many Event Series Qualifying Car Shows as they want for the rest of the year. The winner of each event will compete in a Grand Finale event in Reno in August 2024.

If you are planning a Car Show and would like some additional exposure, please contact me and I can steer you in the right direction. For more information on the Hot August Nights Event Series Click Here.

If you are interested in competing in the Hot August Nights Event Series please check out one of these shows.

As well as the Hot August Nights Event Series Grand Finale they also had a 200 car Show-n-Shine. Out of that 200, we chose the first two qualifiers for next year’s Grand Finale. There will be a new Truck Category next year so Deny Dotson chose this beautiful 1955 Chevy Pickup.

They allowed me to pick the second Qualifier, so I chose this very cool 1939 Pontiac Silver Streak owned by Jeff Seifert.

I don’t know how many of you have been to Hot August Nights before but they must have the greatest group of volunteers ever. This year they all wore green polo shirts and they were so helpful and they all seemed so happy to be a part of this great event. They even sent a volunteer to escort me while I was judging. Here is Bud and me after our duties were over. We had a great time checking out all the cars together.



This week, I was also able to go to Larry Martinelli’s famous breakfast at the Auburn Airport. There are always some great cars there as well as some Hot Rod Legends. Here were a few of my favorites.


Order your 2023 American Car Culture Shirt Here


Unfortunately, we are discontinuing our Hot Rod Bookstore Cruise-In on Thursday evenings.

We are getting busier all the time and it will be fun to support other Car Shows and Cruise-Ins during the week. We have enjoyed meeting so many of you and seeing your cool cars. You are always welcome to come by our store at 7975 Auburn Blvd in Citrus Heights anytime and allow me get a picture of your car in front of our sign. Our hours are Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm.

Jim Aruta from Aruta Brothers Presents will host a weekly Cruise-In, called the Aruta Brothers Get-Together, every Thursday at 4pm behind California Burger at 8537 Auburn Blvd.


Our 2023 Fundraising Hats are also available for only $25.00! To order your 2023 American Car Culture Hat please Click Here.

**We are always working on our 2023 Calendar. If you are aware of any 2023 event dates, please email any information to me at tnewey@norcalcarculture.com or enter them here: Add Events.


We would like to invite all of you to join our American Car Culture Association!


You can read more about our goals here: AmericanCarCulture.org.

For $60 a year or $6 a month, your ACCA membership will include a Subscription to our weekly newsletter and a free 2023 American Car Culture T-Shirt or a very cool Car Culture Hat plus many other benefits.

Join the American Car Culture Association Here Now

Or Pay for your Yearly Subscription to NorCal Car Culture Here

Our Classic Reg Service is open Monday to Friday from 10am to 6pm at 7975 Auburn Blvd in Citrus Heights and we are happy to help if we can. We can answer a lot of questions over the phone so, please give my wife, Marleen a call at 916-560-9506.




Don’t forget, if you are in the area, please come join us for breakfast every Wednesday morning at 9am at our store at 7975 Auburn Blvd. At 9:15, we head over to Charlie’s Cafe for the best breakfast in town!

Please check out the Facebook Group we started to share our cars and automotive items for sale called Car Culture Classifieds, and also our Free Classified Ads!


Please follow our Instagram and Facebook accounts!

Have fun and be safe! Tim

To See all the Upcoming Events in Northern California (Bakersfield to the Oregon Border) for the coming week, please click here: NorCalCarCulture.com

Featured Upcoming Events



***If you are looking for more exposure for your upcoming event, consider a spot in our “Featured Upcoming Event” section. Thousands of people will get to see your poster or flyer each week leading up to your show. Just contact me for more details if you are interested.***

If you would like to add a show or event to our calendar please visit our “Add Events” page.

Please Support our generous Sponsors!

Please tell them you saw their ad here on NorCal Car Culture!

Please visit my friends at Di Stasio Vineyards in Plymouth, CA!

Call my friend Dave Oyler at 916-635-0444 for all your Insurance needs!

McElroy’s Repair and Restoration