Woodland Street Cruisers May 8th. Are having their 6th Annual. “Back to the Street Car Show and Cruise”. The Car Show will be held in Historic Downtown Woodland. All vehicles pre- 1978 or older. Pre-registration is $35 or $40 at day of event. YOU MUST BE REGISTERED TO JOIN IN THE CRUISE. Show opens at 8:00am. Cars must be parked by 11:00pm. Awards at 3:00pm. Cruise starts at 4:00pm to 6:00pm. Participants will have a choice of food from over 10 Downtown restaurants. T- shirts, Raffle prizes, 50/50 and music will be available at Show. Information: e-mail info@woodlandstreetcruisers.com. website http://www.woodlandstreetcruisers.com,