Cherry Auction Auto Swap

The Cherry Auction Auto Swap is Sunday from 7am to 1:30am at the Cherry Avenue Auction, 4640 S. Cherry Avenue.

Every Spring and Fall enjoy checking out classic cars, car parts and car stuff. We have delicious food, a beer garden for those over 21, and live entertainment all in a safe, clean, family-friendly environment.

Admission is $5, Children 12 & Under are free.

A portion of the proceeds benefits a local non-profit!

Interested in becoming a vendor? Click Here

  • Sell your classic car (models have to be older than 1980)
  • Display your classic car
  • Sell your auto stuff

Hot O Rama and Rusty Rose

The 18th Annual Hot O Rama and Rusty Rose Car, Rat Rod & Motorcycle Show is Sunday from 8am to 4pm at 2030 Ponderosa Street.

Stockton Swap Meet & Car Show

The Stockton Swap Meet & Car Show is Sunday from 6am to 3pm at the San Joaquin County Fairgrounds, 1658 S. Airport Way.

Mark your calendars for Northern California‘s automotive swap meet and car show for 2023 held at the San Joaquin county fairgrounds rain or shine turn those old car parts into cash hundreds of sellers thousands of customers general admission $10 parking is free sorry no pets vendor information 209-513-8651