Mustangs on Ice

The Mustangs on Ice Car Show is Saturday from 12pm to 3pm at Tech CU Arena, 1500 South 10th Street.


Open to all Bay area (or beyond) Mustangs owners who are interested in.

1) showing off your car

2) Hockey

3) having fun with other Mustang owners

We are having an event in tandem with the San Jose Barracuda an AHL team to provide a pre-game car show for them. After the show we will break it down and go inside to the Rink for a game, Trophy ceremony and fun rink side.

Registration gets you 2 tickets to the game (more available at registration time) a spot in the show and a bag of swag.

Awards 1 thru 3rd place peoples choice. Longest shot on goal (driver coming from the furthest location) and Frenzy’s choice (the Barracuda Mascot)

Toy Drive & Show N Shine

The San Jose Toy Drive & Show N Shine is Saturday from 10am to 4pm at the San Jose Flea Market, 1590 Berryessa Road.

Save the date for the Toy Drive & Show ‘n Shine on Saturday, Dec. 2 from 10am-4pm at @gardenattheflea at the SJ Flea Market! 🧸🪀🎁

Plenty of classic Cadillacs will be pulling into the East Lot and Garden at the Flea bringing the shine. Get into the giving spirit and come and donate two unwrapped toys for children who are newborn up to 15 years old. They will be donated to The Marine Corps Reserve Toys for Tots Drive.

Then stay and enjoy DJs, vendors, raffles, the beer garden, food trucks, and live music on the Garden stage programmed by @timewarpsj 🎶

See you there for the holidays!

Holiday Food and Toy Drive

The 6th Annual Holiday Food and Toy Drive is Sunday from 10am to 1pm at Cambrian Park Plaza, 14900 Camden Avenue.

Please come and support a Holiday Toy and Food Drive organized by Mike & Susan Hennessey of Hot San Jose Nights. The event is scheduled for Sunday, November 19, 2023, from 10:00 am to 1:00 pm at the Cambrian Park Plaza Shopping Center, 14900 Camden Ave, San Jose 95124.

This charitable event invites donations of new, unwrapped toys and non-perishable food items (preferably in cans or sturdy packaging, no glass), and the collected items will benefit the Lord’s Pantry in San Jose. Attendees have the option to either quickly drop off their donations and leave or stay to mingle with others.