Men’s Health Event and Car Show

The Men’s Health Event and Car Show is Saturday from 11am to 3pm at the the San Jose Medical Center, 225, N. Jackson Avenue.

For Movember we are hosting a men’s health event and car show at San Jose Regional Medical Center Saturday November 13 from 11-3. There will be health screening booths, food trucks and fitness events. The event is free and is being held to raise awareness for men to get yearly health screenings and to see their doctors on a regular basis. We take great care of our cars, we should do the same for ourselves.

San Jose Car Show and Toy Drive

The 33rd Annual San Jose Car Show and Toy Drive is Saturday from 10am to 3pm at the Cathedral of Faith, 2315 Canoas Garden Avenue.

San Jose Mustangs Trunk or Treat

The San Jose Mustangs Trunk or Treat is Saturday from 6pm to 8pm at Mr. Mojito Bar & Grill, 5925 Almaden Expressway.

San Jose Mustangs Car Club invites you to stop by our annual Trunk-or-Treat event for some fun and treats!
We will be at Mr. Mojito Bar & Grill parking lot October 23, 6-8pm.