Rockstar Rides is the first Saturday of the month from 2pm to 4pm at the Rockstar Music Academy, 801 Sterling Parkway.
Tag: Lincoln
Downtown Lincoln Car Show
Show open to 1975 and older American-made or powered vehicles. Registration 7 a.m. to 9:30 Awards at 2:00p.m. 30+ trophies and Plaques. Registration is $30.00 and T-shirts $20.00 Limited to 300 cars Registration forms
Rods & Relics Lincoln Car Show
Saturday, August 21, 2021
For more info email:
- Location: Historic Downtown Lincoln
- Show open to 1975 and older American-made or powered vehicles.
- Registration 7 am to 9:30 am.
- Awards at 2 pm – 30 Trophies and Plaques
- Dash Plaques and a Raffle Ticket for all vehicles registered by (To be announced)
- Raffle Prizes, Music, Food, Vendors, Kids Activities, NSRA Safety Inspection.
- Boy Scout Troop 160 will host a Pancake Breakfast from 7am to 10 am.
- The Lincoln Chamber of Commerce will hold a BBQ in Beerman’s Plaza. Two discount tickets given to each pre-paid/on-site registered vehicle.
- Charities to be determined.