Hollister Car Show

The Hollister M.E.CH.A. Car Show Fundraiser is Sunday from 11am to 2pm at Hollister High School, 1220 Monterey Street.

The Hollister High School M.E.Ch.A Club will be hosting the first annual Car Show. Please join us and register your vehicle soon, as spaces are limited. This event is open to the community. It is a family, friendly event that will bring together car enthusiasts. Hollister has an amazing car club community and we would love to host any Hollister High Alumni or former M.E.Ch.A members to join and share your love for cars and share your stories.

Hollister 35th Street Festival & Car Show

The Hollister 35th Annual Street Festival & Car Show is Saturday from 10am to 4pm in Historic Downtown Hollister.

Come to Downtown Hollister for the 35th Street Festival & Car Show, hosted by the Hollister Downtown Association! More than 250 cars, free watermelon, vendors, music, and more! Visit our local merchants!

LDS Show and Shine

The 10th Annual LDS Show and Shine is Saturday from 9am to 3pm at 1670 Cienega Road.

Free Family Fun For All!

Awards presentation at 2pm

Free Hot Dogs, Cotton Candy, Pop Corn and Bounce House.