Stockton Burgers and Cars

The Stockton Burgers and Cars is every 2nd Friday from 6:30pm to 10pm at In N Out Burgers, 5202 Pacific Avenue.

Classic Cars & Food Truck Mania

The Fair Oaks Classic Cars & Food Truck Mania is the first Thursday from 5pm to 8pm at Fair Oaks Park, 11549 Fair Oaks Boulevard.

Classic Car information: Pre 75 and older, No pre-registration needed! Free to attend, just show up at Fair Oaks Park 11549 Fair Oaks Blvd the FIRST Thursday of each month March – November 5-8pm. Enter into the first parking row. (for safety reasons: no cruising allowed thru the Food Truck areas) The first 70 cars are guaranteed a spot in the event area, This is simply a Cars & Dinner event. Hang out with friends have some food and check out some beautiful cars. Tell your friends. For any other questions reach out to Kim Pitillo @916-967-2903 or email Classic Cars will be weather permitting.

5:00PM – 8:00PM | MARCH – NOVEMBER 2023
Fair Oaks Recreation & Park District, Fair Oaks Chamber of Commerce, and SactoMoFo presents Fair Oaks Food Truck Mania! Drop by Fair Oaks Park every first Thursday to grab something delicious from the food trucks, play at the Wonderful Outdoor World (WOW) Bus, and check out some classic cars!
Visit the SactoMoFo website to view the most up to date food truck lineup: