The 10th Annual Blue Collar Customs Autorama Open House is Saturday at 8pm at 4824 Amber Lane.
Tag: Cruise-In
Stockton Burgers and Cars
The Stockton Burgers and Cars is every 2nd Friday from 6:30pm to 10pm at In N Out Burgers, 5202 Pacific Avenue.
Classic Cars & Food Truck Mania
The Fair Oaks Classic Cars & Food Truck Mania is the first Thursday from 5pm to 8pm at Fair Oaks Park, 11549 Fair Oaks Boulevard.
Classic Car information: Pre 75 and older, No pre-registration needed! Free to attend, just show up at Fair Oaks Park 11549 Fair Oaks Blvd the FIRST Thursday of each month March – November 5-8pm. Enter into the first parking row. (for safety reasons: no cruising allowed thru the Food Truck areas) The first 70 cars are guaranteed a spot in the event area, This is simply a Cars & Dinner event. Hang out with friends have some food and check out some beautiful cars. Tell your friends. For any other questions reach out to Kim Pitillo @916-967-2903 or email Classic Cars will be weather permitting.
5:00PM – 8:00PM | MARCH – NOVEMBER 2023