The Waterford Hot Rods and Classics Tuesday Night Cruise-In is every Tuesday at 5:30pm at Pioneer Market, 12138 Yosemite Blvd.
It’s that time again, folks! Waterford Hot Rods and Classics will be gathering in the Pioneer Market shopping center parking lot at 5:30 in the evening. Bring out your car and your happy face for an evening of fellowship, and smiles!
The Devil’s Darlin’s Fourth of July Classic Car Cruise is Sunday at 8:30am at the Sonoma Veteran’s Hall, 126 1st Street.
This July 2 the Devil’s Darlin’s Car Club of Sonoma will be putting on their annual Fourth of July car cruise. Please come out and join us to give the community and wonderful parade of cars going starting at the Sonoma veterans memorial hall on 1st st west Sonoma going around the plaza through Sonoma up to glen Ellen and back to the veterans buildings to hang out and shoot the breeze with other car enthusiasts. All cars are welcome.
The Hot Rod Diner Car Show is the first Saturday from 5pm to 8pm at the Hot Rod Diner, 130 South Walnut Road.