The C/10 North Bay Cruise-In is every 2nd and 4th Saturday at 6pm at Acme Burgers, 1007 W. College Avenue.
Meet at 6:00pm grab some food. Cruise will start at 8:00pm. If you want to meet up on the cruise you can find us on 4th Street or Mendocino Ave. Santa Rosa. All are welcome to join us! Bring what you got!
The Monterey Touring Vehicles Cruise-In is every third Sunday from 2pm to 4pm at 2228 Del Monte Avenue.
The Gold Coast Rods’ Hot Cars & Cool Nights is Friday from 4pm to 8pm on Broadway Avenue in Downtown Seaside.
Hot Cars & Cool Nights on Broadway avenue in downtown Seaside the last Friday of June, July, August and September.
4-8pm, $10 entry fee, 20+ trophies sponsored by local businesses awarded at every event.