Hot Rod Hang Out

The Clovis EV Free Church Hot Rod Hang Out is Saturday from 4:30pm to 9pm at 2377 Armstrong Avenue.

The Hot Rod Hang Out is a place to gather with other Hot Rod Folks and enjoy an evening parked on the lawn listening to music, and just enjoying the evening. There will be food trucks, and shaved ice.

Clovis Old Town Motorama

The Third Annual Clovis Old Town Motorama is Friday to Sunday in Old Town Clovis, Pollasky Avenue.

Hot Rod Coalition is ecstatic about hosting the 3rd Annual Old Town Motorama in Old Town Clovis, California on May 19th-21st. Our team of volunteer staff, sponsors, the City of Clovis, B.O.O.T., nonprofits, and numerous agencies have been working overtime to make the 2023 Motorama a unique experience. We are thrilled to bring back our largest event yet and you can expect it to be full of new memories with friends new and old. The Friday night pre-party, hosted by HRC and Fresno Street Eats, will be hosted again at Crow and Wolf Brewery. Saturday you can again expect a ton of food options from brick and mortar restaurants as well as food trucks, Top 50 Awards, Car Club Picks, Music, Hot Rod Vendors, and of course the beautiful atmosphere of Old Town Clovis. Sunday we’ll head off to some open shops and home garages. Sunday is always many participants’ favorite day. Make sure you pre-register by May 12th, or just pay the $40 entry fee Friday night at the party or Saturday at the entry gate.


Clovis Cars and Coffee

The Pharoah’s Clovis Cars and Coffee is Saturday from 8am to 10am in the Von’s Parking Lot, 3150 Fowler Avenue.

Lets do it again!!! We have had great turn outs for our Cars and Coffee! This is a good opportunity to have some fun hanging out with great folks and looking at cool cars!
The goal is to grow a successful car gathering that becomes a common event that folks look forward too. This is NOT a Pharoahs only event. We want this to include all car enthusiasts that want to start their Saturday with a cup of coffee and cool cars;)