Real-Life Heroes Fundraiser Car Show
A Community Event for our First Responders to those who protect us, watch over us and help save our lives in one way or another. We will be having a new fun, new exciting Car Show Event, with not just a car show but with photo booths for the adults and the kiddos. Vendors, fun First Responder Demos with the Chico Police pups, and don’t forget about the kids this time with our kid-zone carnival games, caramel apples, and prizes with face painting. SPUN Organic Cotton candy will be there again, and not to mention for the adults, we’ve got our Elks Ladies Artisan Fair vendors, live music from Soul Posse, adult beverages & wine tasting from local vineyards. Our famous raffles & PRIZES like flat-screen TVs again and bikes for the kids. So grab the family for some FUN for our community event to benefit our First Responders, including the Chico Police, Butte Co. Sheriff, CHP, Enloe EMTs, and last but not least our Chico Firemen!!! This event will be following all state, city, and county COVID guidelines.
For you car enthusiasts, we want to see those new or classic, custom, both foreign and domestic cars! If you have questions please call Bob Fitzgerald @ (530)624-5310. You can enter your car or if you would like to support our cause please go to our website or click the link here and you can enter your car, get event details, or even support our cause
https://www.concourselite.com/events for event details.
Thank you all for your support, and I can’t tell you but we will have a BIG surprise for all of you this event! yay!