Old Town Clovis Cruise and Toy Drive
The Old Town Clovis Cruise and Toy Drive is Sunday from 11am to 1pm on Pollasky Avenue in Old Town Clovis.
The Hot Rod Coalition Toy Drive is back by popular demand! Again, this year we’ll have the opportunity to cruise the festive streets of Old Town Clovis, Ca. All you need is a new unwrapped toy or multiple toys and a car to cruise up and down Pollasky Ave. The last few years the local automotive community showed up and donated a 20 foot enclosed trailer worth of toys to kids in need. Our staff, volunteers, sponsors, and needy recipients were beyond blown away at this gesture and generosity. The HRC team will be set up on along the Pollasky main drag at Centennial Plaza, collecting all the donations. See you soon and have a blessed Thanksgiving with family and friends. For additional information, please text message (559) 825-6808 or email info@hotrodcoalition.com.