Nor-Cal Think Pink Car Show
The Nor-Cal Think Pink Car Show is Sunday from 9am to 2pm at the Redding Elks Lodge, 250 Elk Drive.
Please join us for this 3rd Annual Classic Car Show to raise funds for breast cancer awareness and support. Attendance is free for all ages. There will be Food Trucks, Craft Booths, and Health Information Booths.
Those wanting to register a vehicle in the car show contact: thinkpinkcarshow@gmail.com Vehicle registration fee is $20. Awards will be given to “Best of Show”, “Best Classic Truck”, “Best Classic Car”, “Best Rat Rod”, “Best Motorcycle”, and “Best Think PInk Theme Vehicle”.
All funds raised by the car show will be disbursed with 50% going to Nor-Cal Think Pink and 50% going towards the Breast Cancer Detection Fund. The Breast Cancer Detection Fund assists those without adequate insurance with breast cancer screening and diagnostic expenses.
Registration form available on our website: https://www.norcalthinkpink.org/events/annual-car-show/
Please email thinkpinkcarshow@gmail.com with questions.