Camp Plymouth Military Vehicle Show & Swap Meet
The Camp Plymouth Military Vehicle Show & Swap Meet is Wednesday to Saturday at the Amador County Fairgrounds, 13843 Empire Street.
Largest annual event for ex-military vehicles (MVs) in the West. All types welcome, any condition and former nation of service. Located in Plymouth, CA at the 49er Village RV Resort and adjacent Amador County Fairgrounds. No admission or parking fees. No MV registration or fee. No vendor fee but all sellers must rent a campsite at either side of the event. Parking lot is at fairgrounds via gate by 18343 Empire Street. Official start is Wednesday April 19, OK to arrive earlier. Goes through Saturday. Sunday is a pull-out day, not a good show day.
Themed MV showcases on Friday are Military Dodges, WW2 Jeeps, and Military Motorcycles, Scooters, Bicycles. People’s Choice Contests. Offsite MV excursion, women’s activities, amateur and pro vendors selling parts and military collectibles. Public welcome and anyone may put items for sale at their rented site. Promoter is the Military Vehicle Collectors of California, a California non-profit corporation. See all event details and event flyer at www.MVCCNews.net on the Events tab. Includes a RV/travel trailer rental discount, a golf cart rental program, activities schedule, Basic Training document, flyers for event and the three MV showcases, area map, area weather.