Bags Billets & BBQ Trunk or Treat
The Bags Billets & BBQ Trunk or Treat is Saturday at 6pm at Salty’s BBQ, 6801 White Lane.
It’s that time of year again!! We will be having our cruise night/ trunk or treat at Saltys BBQ! Just like our normal cruise night we will be doing a Top10 and best of show but we also are adding some trophies to help people get in the spirit so we will have best children’s costume 1 boy 1 girl, best adult costume 1 boy 1 girl and then we will have best vehicle display. we hope that everyone can make it out and help us make it a great event. spectators are free and everyone along with their vehicle displays are encouraged to have treats for the little ones. This will be our last cruise night of the year so come out and don’t miss out on a spooky good time