Sunday Group Ride

The Sunday Group Ride is Sunday at 12:30pm at Cal Fit Soccer Field in Rocklin, CA.

Sunday if anybody wants to ride meeting at Cal in Rocklin at 12:30
We will ride for a few hours, before it gets cold

Christmas Car Show

The Christmas Car Show is Saturday from 3pm to 7pm at Bass Pro Shops, 5486 Crossing Drive.


Come out for a fun afternoon. Family Friendly Car Show (all years welcome) with 10+ Trophies awarded, Live Band, 50/50 and Fun Mystery Raffle, Vendors and Food Trucks.
Come out and meet our special guest, Santa Claus.
No pre registration for this event. Day of registration only.
Entry Donation of $15 or $10 with an unwrapped Toy per show vehicle (motorcycles welcome)
Vendors are $10 plus a product/basket donation for raffle prize.
For more Information call #916-279-6020

EuroSunday Sacramento

The EuroSunday Sacramento is Sunday from 8am to 10:30am at the California Automobile Museum, 2200 Front Street.