Kool April Car Show at Redding Dragstrip

Join us at the Historic Redding Dragstrip for a car show and drag racing on April 21st 2021
Car Show starts at 3pm, FREE to enter and participate!
Awards handed out at 5:30pm
Street Legal and T&T starts at 6pm
$10 to spectate, kids 12 & under free, $40 to race

Kool April Nites Classic Car Show is this Weekend in Redding

Wake up and smell the exhaust fumes! Hear the roar of the hot engines… Gawk at the custom paint…. taste the old-fashioned burgers at that 50’s joint out on Highway 273..It’s Kool April Nites time again! “Great cars,great music,great food..tons of bobby sox and ponytails..bigger and better than ever. You’ll find: * Miles of Classic Cars * Show and Shines * Trophies * Food * Music * Dances…

It began Wednesday and runs through Sunday, April 17th in Downtown Redding.

For a complete schedule of activities just go to www.KoolAprilNites.com.