Polar Bear Run

The Polar Bear Run by Aruta Brothers Presents is Wednesday at 9am at the Panera Store, 1850 Douglas Boulevard.

EuroSunday Sacramento

The EuroSunday Sacramento is Sunday from 8am to 10:30am at Throttle Therapy, 4041 Grass Valley Highway.


Time: 8:00 AM to 10:30 AM

Photo 📸: @owenrogers14
Poster 🖋️ : @ashley.rit
Always sponsored by @diamondautosport ♦️

As always, please:

NO Burnouts or breaking traction
NO Excessive revving
NO Blaring stereos

We hope to see you there!



Auburn Custom Cycles Swap Meet

The Auburn Cycle Swap Meet is Sunday morning from 8am to 1pm at Auburn Custom Cycle Shop, 160 Team Track Road.

We love visiting different swap meets around the area and we realized… Auburn needs one of their own!
Bring your parts and a tent. Or just bring yourself and some cash because there are deals to be made and scores to be won!
See you there!