Veterans Car Show
FREE to the public family event!
VFW Veterans (Bad Ass) Car Show to benefit the Veterans of Foreign Wars Bear Flag Post 1943, its Auxiliary, and local veterans in need.
New food vendors! Raffles! Silent auction! Ever-popular spark plug changing contest!
Acceptable vehicles are American-made, pre-1976, all makes and models welcome!
Car Entry Donation: $40; Day of show, $45.
Trophy Classes: TBD
Interested in Sponsoring our show? Want to be a vendor at our show? Please contact Post Commander John Gray at jagray533@gmail.com!
If you don’t have a classic car, but would still like to donate directly, please message us or send a check made payable to VFW Bear Flag Post 1943, PO Box 778; Sonoma, CA 95476
Stay tuned for more info!